Wednesday, April 8, 2009


1. I learned that with the most limited technology, you can accomplish great things. Remembering that keeping it simple is a remarkable tool! Students need to understand what is going on in such a way that they CAN understand.
2. I learned not to be afraid of the technology. Students used SmartBoards and promethean boards which I knew nothing about and it was great to see their presentations. It was great to learn how other students implemented their ideas and information into their presentations. I liked that I was able to see how it was implemented with the students. To see their reactions, their ideas, and their excitement for the lesson with the technology was remarkable!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Internet Safety

1. I read the article, "Mixed Signals" (for my 4th article)
2. I learned that the computer has an off button and when in doubt-use it!
I learned that“What difference does it make why it is rated R? The fact is, a prophet of God has said not to go to R-rated movies. That ought to be enough” by Cree Kofford-and that type of material should not be viewed on the internet either.
I enjoyed how they talked about technology is a good thing and we need to use it for good!
3. I will never let my students or children be on the internet when I am or an adult is not in the room. I will not allow my children or students to just go exploring without my consent.
4. I will try to be the best example to them that I can. I will try to let them know that it is cool to not look at that stuff.

I talked to a college student about internet safety. This was really interesting because she felt the same way that I do. She understands the dangers and she knows that no one is infallible. Not only students but WE need to be careful as well!! We need to be sensitive and convey that example to others. Technology is amazing and we are blessed to have it for good purposes. Also, the world is becoming more and more wicked and there is more money to be sought after and we cannot be the recipients of that negativity.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What I learned

I learned that using technology in the classroom is a great way for students to learn. We must keep the technology simple, basic, and exciting. By using technology the students and teachers are enriched and enhanced.

Homonyms Technology in the classroom

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Technology Ideas

Honestly, we don't have access to technology that I know of. I am going to try to figure something out and will keep updating this blog!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Technology Ideas

For teaching a lesson on synonyms, I will use the overhead to display an enticing activity sheet for the students to complete as a class. I will then display a powerpoint with 1 word written on one slide while the students must come up with a synonym and write it on their personal whiteboard. This way, students can do their own work and they can see the word written on the overhead so they will be able to visualize it better and see the spelling!

Monday, March 9, 2009

The first week at Westridge Elementary has been amazing!  I am surprised at how many computers are in the school.  There are no computers in the classroom I am currently in except for a mac occupied by the teacher.  There are 3 computer labs in the school that consist of mac computers.  Using these computers students work on math and literacy programs.  There is no overhead except for in the library. 
I haven't seen any technology used in the classroom but I am excited to use it!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Content: The 3rd grade science core standard states that students will study the movement of the Earth and the moon. They begin to learn of forces that move things; they learn of heat and light. Third graders observe, classify, predict, measure and record. For this lesson students will observe the moon and the Earth and understand how they relate to one another.

Pedagogy: For this lesson I will use some direct instruction when observing different things yet they will make predictions on their own, classify different things, measure and record data, and enjoy the process. I will monitor the students and use guided learning to help them stay on the right track when learning these concepts.

Technology: I will use google earth to enhance this lesson by showing pictures of the earht and moon and allowing the students to see the positioning of these in comparison to the larger pictures. Student will also get to see pictures that I will get from different sources on the internet to aid them in learning this curriculum.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Virtual Tour Plan

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Google Earth Content

1. Location: The Earth.
Activity:I will show them pictures of where we live, the Earth! Pictures from space so we can see what it looks like!
Google Earth Content: Show them pictures of the Earth.

2. Location: Where we live.
Activity: I will show students pictures of where we live and how small it is in comparison to the world.
Google Earth Content: Show zooming in on where we live.

3. The Moon
Activity: I will show them pictures of the moon, where it is in relation to the Earth and the whole solar system.
Google Earth Content: We will observe the moon and it's characteristics.

4. I will show them China, Australia, and places that are opposite us on the Earth.
Activity: We will look at places that are very different from us, their cultures etc.
Google Earth Content: We will look at other places, their characteristics ets.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Digital Storytelling-TPACK

What is the content we will be using?
We will be creating an ABC book by taking pictures of an item representing each letter of the alphabet.  Our storybook is for Kindergarten to help them recognize the letters of the alphabet, items that start with those letters, and recognizing how to spell the words. 

What is the pedagogy you are using and why is it a good fit with the content? 
Teachers can use this movie in their classrooms to allow the students to see the letters associated with pictures and words that start with that letter.  Incorporating books and other objects with the movie are a great way for students to be immersed in letters and words.  Allowing students to read aloud the letters and say the words with the pictures helps develop fluency. 

What is the technology you'll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy? We will be using the program photostory to create our picture ABC book.  This is a great fit because it is simple to use and will allow students to successfully  see and understand the letters and pictures. 


What is the content you'll be using in your lesson?
We focused on friction and the effects of different objects making friction.  

What is the pedagogy you are using and why is it a good fit with the content?
We used discovery learning and collaborative learning that are both important pedagogical concepts.  Working in groups is an essential part of the learning process and helps children learn to work together and brainstorm together.  It is a great fit with content together because we were able to successfully learn about friction as well as technology. 

What is the technologoy you'll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy? 
We used a probe to measure the temperature of the objects we used to make friction.  We used a program on the computer that tracks the temperatures and records it in a graph fashion.  This program made it so much more fun to measure friction and extremely easy to read!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Standard 5, Objective 3 for 3rd grade science is to demonstrate that heat may be produced when objects are rubbed together. There are differences in the amount of heat given off depending on different surfaces and conditions. To explore this concept, we use probes to measure temperature and record the data on the computer as a line graph! First, we measured the temperature of our hand. At a resting rate, our hand’s temperature was approximately 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Then we rubbed our hands together, creating friction to see if the temperature of our hands would increase. Using the probe, we found that the temperature of our hand increased to 79.6 degrees! We rubbed lotion on our hands and found that the temperature surprisingly went back down! To experiment with different surfaces, we tested a sweatshirt and white board erasers. The coat was about 77 degrees before we rubbed it together. After rubbing the coat together, the temperature rose to 80 degrees. We also rubbed the two erasers together and this produced a temperature of 82 degrees! Integrating technology into your curriculum enhances your lessons, and kids have fun! Using these probes gave students the opportunity to graph data and do tests to discover the unique facts about friction and heat production!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Today we also looked at the microscopes that hook up to the computers.  These are inexpensive and are a great way to let children explore microscopes.  These are exciting for children and they are able to plug it into a computer and the whole class is able to see.  
We also looked at the thermometers that plug into the computer.  These are really exciting and children would get excited to do these hands on activities that will teach them essential skills.  They are also learning mathematical relationships Incorporated with science and technological skills. 


This week we learned all about TPCK.  I learned that for a teacher to be effective they must encompass all the areas of the TPCK.  If lacking any key parts then they will not be as effective as a teacher. This information will be beneficial in teaching students effectively by giving students effective content knowledge with teaching them with the most effective methods.  Incorporating technology is extremely important because our world is filled with technology and will benefit children always in their lives.  I am so glad we are learning TPCK

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Week 2 RSS, Delicious, and Goodreads

I am so glad that we created these accounts!  As of right now, I think that goodreads will be extremely beneficial in my teaching because I will always be looking for good books to use and what other teachers recommend.  I didn't even know that these websites exist and I am so glad to use them!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009