Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Internet Safety

1. I read the article, "Mixed Signals" (for my 4th article)
2. I learned that the computer has an off button and when in doubt-use it!
I learned that“What difference does it make why it is rated R? The fact is, a prophet of God has said not to go to R-rated movies. That ought to be enough” by Cree Kofford-and that type of material should not be viewed on the internet either.
I enjoyed how they talked about technology is a good thing and we need to use it for good!
3. I will never let my students or children be on the internet when I am or an adult is not in the room. I will not allow my children or students to just go exploring without my consent.
4. I will try to be the best example to them that I can. I will try to let them know that it is cool to not look at that stuff.

I talked to a college student about internet safety. This was really interesting because she felt the same way that I do. She understands the dangers and she knows that no one is infallible. Not only students but WE need to be careful as well!! We need to be sensitive and convey that example to others. Technology is amazing and we are blessed to have it for good purposes. Also, the world is becoming more and more wicked and there is more money to be sought after and we cannot be the recipients of that negativity.

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